I went shopping with my mom the other day. She bought 1L of cream. I asked her why on earth we needed that much cream, and she replied that there was going to be three of us home this week all drinking coffee, and lots of it.
Well, who am I to disappoint? All coffee restritctions are off until the New Year.
a nalgene is not a funny thing
more than just a 25-year pin?
Over coffee this morning, dad showed me his pin. His 25-year, congratulations you made it, keep up the good work for AMEC pin. And I'm happy for him that he's, you know, had a job that he mostly likes for 25 years (and at the same company, no less). And I want to honour him because of he's my father, and because he has been the primary income-earner for our family (provided for my university, etc.). But I can't help but notice that the pin has two small diamonds at the bottom of it.
Diamonds without polar bears on them. Conflict diamonds.
Diamonds for which wars are started, families destroyed and children mutilated. Diamonds fund rebel groups to purchase arms and supplies to further the cause of war. And it doesn't stop there. Big Business is involved too: large diamond companies like DeBeers use the tribal violence started by Cecil Rhodes in the 1900s as a springboard to further destruction, so long as it furthers the profits.
The cost savings of African produced diamonds are, unlike Gap T-shirts, not passed on to consumers. Diamonds are love. Diamonds are joy, happiness. A diamond is forever, right? In actuality, diamonds are not a rare stone. In Africa, Russia, northen Canada, and South America, diamonds are suprisingly quite common. Just made "rare" (read: desired) by the diamond industry.
AMEC is a multinational engineering firm that rakes in multimillions annually. Two of their key projects in the last 10 years have been the construction of the two Canadian diamond mines up north. So you think they'd understand the gravity of the situation. Buying what must be hundreds of dollars worth of diamond (and gold, which has its own story) pins only feeds money in to the systemic conflict brought on by the diamond industry.
It's one thing for a consumer to choose lifestyle over this cause, or to plead ignorance; it's another thing for a company - especially one that has constructed the Canadian mines - to choose for its employees.
Conflict is forever, so long as a diamond is forever.
Diamonds without polar bears on them. Conflict diamonds.
Diamonds for which wars are started, families destroyed and children mutilated. Diamonds fund rebel groups to purchase arms and supplies to further the cause of war. And it doesn't stop there. Big Business is involved too: large diamond companies like DeBeers use the tribal violence started by Cecil Rhodes in the 1900s as a springboard to further destruction, so long as it furthers the profits.
The cost savings of African produced diamonds are, unlike Gap T-shirts, not passed on to consumers. Diamonds are love. Diamonds are joy, happiness. A diamond is forever, right? In actuality, diamonds are not a rare stone. In Africa, Russia, northen Canada, and South America, diamonds are suprisingly quite common. Just made "rare" (read: desired) by the diamond industry.
AMEC is a multinational engineering firm that rakes in multimillions annually. Two of their key projects in the last 10 years have been the construction of the two Canadian diamond mines up north. So you think they'd understand the gravity of the situation. Buying what must be hundreds of dollars worth of diamond (and gold, which has its own story) pins only feeds money in to the systemic conflict brought on by the diamond industry.
It's one thing for a consumer to choose lifestyle over this cause, or to plead ignorance; it's another thing for a company - especially one that has constructed the Canadian mines - to choose for its employees.
Conflict is forever, so long as a diamond is forever.
accidents and pretty things
It's interesting and somewhat striking how things work out...how things are. You know? Like, it's funny how snow makes everything seem pretty. For instance, usually I think telephone poles are among one of the ugliest things on earth. They're so...blah. Worse than blah. But a practical, very necessary blah. But one of those things you kind of wish you could just hide away. Anyway, snow does wonders for even them. Everything. Seems. Pretty. But at the same time as I rejoice in the changing seasons, there are some people who dread it...people whose very lives will be in danger because of the cold. It's hard to reconcile these two. I met a homeless guy today. We had tea together. He likes to sing and knows exactly what people pay what amount of money to hear him sing. On cold days like today he strategizes where he will go first so as to get as much money before heading in to a shelter as early as he can. He smiled when we said good-bye, and started to sing as I walked away. I think I will keep the image of a homeless man, in his bowler cap, singing with flakes of snow swirling around him. At least for a while.
Went out for lunch today with a friend. Someone he knew at the place we were eating asked him if we were on a date. I laughed...accidentally. And he sort of shiftily moved his eyes and awkwardly said, "Maybe we should talk about this later." I didn't know what to do and laughing was easist so I smiled and agreed. Ooops. Wonder if I can make that better somehow. Was I ever good at dating? Or even at understanding dating Can you become good at dating? I wonder if I can get lessons somewhere. I should probably look into that.
Made the front page of The Varsity today with Carolina regarding the Kosovo project. It's actually a pretty good article, though the photo kind of sucks. Meh. Check it out: www.thevarsity.ca.
Went out for lunch today with a friend. Someone he knew at the place we were eating asked him if we were on a date. I laughed...accidentally. And he sort of shiftily moved his eyes and awkwardly said, "Maybe we should talk about this later." I didn't know what to do and laughing was easist so I smiled and agreed. Ooops. Wonder if I can make that better somehow. Was I ever good at dating? Or even at understanding dating Can you become good at dating? I wonder if I can get lessons somewhere. I should probably look into that.
Made the front page of The Varsity today with Carolina regarding the Kosovo project. It's actually a pretty good article, though the photo kind of sucks. Meh. Check it out: www.thevarsity.ca.
non-boxed comfort

Serves 8 after a mere 20 minutes prep time plus 1 hour and 40 minutes in the oven!! Also freezes will for those of you who are pre-planners for the sole reason that at some future date you will not have to pre-plan. If you are such a person, simply freeze in portion-sized OVEN SAFE (I made that mistake once...) containers. If you're more a "I'm-hungry-and-want-my-mac-and-cheese-now-and-only-now" kind of person, follow the recipe and then bake the last 20/30 minutes uncovered until golden and bubbling.
1 pound macaroni or other smallish pasta
Coarse salt
6 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
4 cups milk
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3 cups shredded sharp white cheddar cheese (12 ounces)
1 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese (2 ounces)
3 cups very coarse fresh breadcrumbs
1. Cook pasta (if you don't know how to do this, stop now). Drain, rinse, and return to pot.
2. Meanwhile, heat 4 tbsp butter in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add flour; whisk for 1 minute. Add milk, cayenne, nutmeg, and 2 teaspoons salt; bring to a simmer...but never a boil. Cook/whisk until mixture is thick enough to coat the back of a spoon (2-3 minutes). Whisk in cheeses until smooth. Give the past a nice bath in the cheese. Put in baking dish(s).
3. Melt remaining butter (2 tbsp) and toss with breadcrumbs. Sprinkle over pasta. (Now, if you're the freezing type, pack up your dinners and freeze 'em.)
4. Preheat oven to 375° and put the dish (frozen or unfrozen). Cover with foil and bake until bubbling - 60-70 minutes for large dishes, 40-50 minutes for small dishes. Remove foil and continue baking until the top is golden.
never out
I am never out of brokenness.
Thank you for never being out of mercy, of grace, of truth, of hope...of love.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
-Psalm 19:14
Thank you for never being out of mercy, of grace, of truth, of hope...of love.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
-Psalm 19:14
working on the whole shepherd-sheep thing
It's funny how everything can be just going along all happy like and then, DONE. Oh, how cliche. Everyone writes that. Whatever. It's hard being far away when someone you love needs you. Especially for people who are used to doing things. Here I am, in Toronto, completely useless. And doctors get pissed off if you call them too much...learned that lesson already. Really, there are only so many flowers you can send before, I guess, you have to trust. It all seems to come back to that, these days.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restors my soul.
He guides me in paths of rightousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoit my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
-Psalm 23
Abba. Here I am again. Holding on...
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he restors my soul.
He guides me in paths of rightousness
for his name's sake.
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoit my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord
-Psalm 23
Abba. Here I am again. Holding on...
mondays aren't so bad
Mmmmm. I flutter my eyes as my nose takes in the delicious aroma. Warm, dark...it weaves its way thoughout the house, rousing me from my sleep in the kindest way - like being cuddled awake. I turn over. Stretch. Sigh. Mmmmm. Feet on the floor, and then I'm stumbling to pour myself a mug. The first sip, and I've forgotten that I was awake only 10 minute earlier to start the pot.
Monday's aren't so bad.
Monday's aren't so bad.
you know you're meant to be a poli sci major when...
1. you get a thrill just thinking about government and policy
2. writing a phrase like "intergovernmental co-operation" gives you goosebumps
3. someone says 'bagel' but you hear 'Hegel"
4. when you (mis)hear the word Hegel you know exactly who his is, and what theories he advoated
5. you constantly find ways to talk about political theory...
looked more into transfering departments the other day. i wrote that i was thinking of transferring, yes? meh, well, i am. to the poli sci department. had enough of this history crap. still waiting on the word from JC, but investigating my options never hurts.
only 43 days until i'm home for Christmas, and only 38 days until i see my sheri!!!! woohooo!! spending some time in ottawa this week....then off camping on the weekend. in my spare time i intend to panic about my presentations, readings and papers. good news about papers though. grad school is so funny...technically courses end in december, right? then why is my first paper due jan 8!?!?! i love it.
PS halloween was rockin' ...pls see the pics
2. writing a phrase like "intergovernmental co-operation" gives you goosebumps
3. someone says 'bagel' but you hear 'Hegel"
4. when you (mis)hear the word Hegel you know exactly who his is, and what theories he advoated
5. you constantly find ways to talk about political theory...
looked more into transfering departments the other day. i wrote that i was thinking of transferring, yes? meh, well, i am. to the poli sci department. had enough of this history crap. still waiting on the word from JC, but investigating my options never hurts.
only 43 days until i'm home for Christmas, and only 38 days until i see my sheri!!!! woohooo!! spending some time in ottawa this week....then off camping on the weekend. in my spare time i intend to panic about my presentations, readings and papers. good news about papers though. grad school is so funny...technically courses end in december, right? then why is my first paper due jan 8!?!?! i love it.
PS halloween was rockin' ...pls see the pics
Camp Learn-a-lot nears end
Summer 2005 almost done and I haven't DONE anything except learn Serbian. Successfully? I guess I find out in October when I'm over there. Fingers crossed.
I'm really looking forward to leaving at this point. I think I'll probably sleep for 24 hours straight at least as soon as I get home. Argh...so tired all the time. But I AM glad I came. It's been a learning experience in so many different ways. Anyway, it is time for bed soooo...just in case you didn't get the most recent update - email troubles - here is.
EMAIL TRI – EMAIL THREE: Greetings from Camp Learn-a-Lot!
Howdy! Here’s your irregular update on my life in Serbian Indiana. The learning’s long, the weathers hot and the guys are even hotter. Ha. I kid, I kid. (Actually, IU has the highest population of “Greek Societies” of any university in North America SOOOOO, there are plenty of pretty faces to look at. Not that I do. Of course.)
Serbian is going well…one might even say dobro. We’ve so far learned all of our tense structures (there’s pretty much only 4 so it wasn’t that hard), all 7 cases, personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, idiomatic expressions (to eat sticks is to get your ass kicked – jedem provencije), and numbers. Our prof figures our working Serbian vocabulary is somewhere around 700 or 800 words, with a total vocabulary of close to 1200. That’s pretty impressive considering our average English working vocab is somewhere around 20,000 words acquired over 20-odd years.
Anyway, we got a new prof 2 weeks ago and he’s working out wonderfully. Quite the contrast to the Srpski Serpent. We’re all learning better, having fun, laughing in class….. He says that laughing while you’re learning is the best thing because it releases hormones in your brain that help you to memorize. Such the mladić. Ha.
Found a place in Toronto, thanks be to God. And two lovely housemates, Km and Bronwyn. We’re all going to U of T. Our house is on Ossington and Harbord, which is close to Bloor which is an amazing steal for 1300$/month split three ways. I’m super excited to move in now. Just wondering how long it will take to deal with student loan stuff, etc, etc. Gah…fingers crossed everything works out – because it all could go VERY VERY wrong. By the grace of God, right?
Did you all hear about the bombings in Priština? So much for the CIDA project being there. The Can Gov’t nixed that real fast. So now we’re going to hold the workshops in Kotor, Montenegro instead. It will work out I guess, only it would be much better in Kosovo (and we’re totally not interested in places that would be bombed anyways….) plus Montenegrins are the laziest people on earth. Booking facilities, cars, food, hotels, etc. is going to be SO much harder. Oh well, Kotor is supposed to be absolutely beautiful, even in October.
So I’m leaving Indiana on the 13th of August to go back to the Kootenays. I may go up to Prince to drop my brother off at school, but that really depends on what’s happening with UofT. If I do, you are all top priority to see (of course) and I will definitely keep you posted.
Alright, off to grab Uzbek food – I so recommend if you ever get a chance!
I'm really looking forward to leaving at this point. I think I'll probably sleep for 24 hours straight at least as soon as I get home. Argh...so tired all the time. But I AM glad I came. It's been a learning experience in so many different ways. Anyway, it is time for bed soooo...just in case you didn't get the most recent update - email troubles - here is.
EMAIL TRI – EMAIL THREE: Greetings from Camp Learn-a-Lot!
Howdy! Here’s your irregular update on my life in Serbian Indiana. The learning’s long, the weathers hot and the guys are even hotter. Ha. I kid, I kid. (Actually, IU has the highest population of “Greek Societies” of any university in North America SOOOOO, there are plenty of pretty faces to look at. Not that I do. Of course.)
Serbian is going well…one might even say dobro. We’ve so far learned all of our tense structures (there’s pretty much only 4 so it wasn’t that hard), all 7 cases, personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, idiomatic expressions (to eat sticks is to get your ass kicked – jedem provencije), and numbers. Our prof figures our working Serbian vocabulary is somewhere around 700 or 800 words, with a total vocabulary of close to 1200. That’s pretty impressive considering our average English working vocab is somewhere around 20,000 words acquired over 20-odd years.
Anyway, we got a new prof 2 weeks ago and he’s working out wonderfully. Quite the contrast to the Srpski Serpent. We’re all learning better, having fun, laughing in class….. He says that laughing while you’re learning is the best thing because it releases hormones in your brain that help you to memorize. Such the mladić. Ha.
Found a place in Toronto, thanks be to God. And two lovely housemates, Km and Bronwyn. We’re all going to U of T. Our house is on Ossington and Harbord, which is close to Bloor which is an amazing steal for 1300$/month split three ways. I’m super excited to move in now. Just wondering how long it will take to deal with student loan stuff, etc, etc. Gah…fingers crossed everything works out – because it all could go VERY VERY wrong. By the grace of God, right?
Did you all hear about the bombings in Priština? So much for the CIDA project being there. The Can Gov’t nixed that real fast. So now we’re going to hold the workshops in Kotor, Montenegro instead. It will work out I guess, only it would be much better in Kosovo (and we’re totally not interested in places that would be bombed anyways….) plus Montenegrins are the laziest people on earth. Booking facilities, cars, food, hotels, etc. is going to be SO much harder. Oh well, Kotor is supposed to be absolutely beautiful, even in October.
So I’m leaving Indiana on the 13th of August to go back to the Kootenays. I may go up to Prince to drop my brother off at school, but that really depends on what’s happening with UofT. If I do, you are all top priority to see (of course) and I will definitely keep you posted.
Alright, off to grab Uzbek food – I so recommend if you ever get a chance!
isn't Canada a subject of the British Crown? what do we celebrate anyways?
Silly Americans. It took them a while to get the idea of Canada Day, but once they got it, we had a fantastic time.
Still here in Indiana. Clearly. Ucim srpski u Indianu Skolu. (I'm studying Serbian at IU.) It's crazy. Crazy hard too. The prof sucks, but I suppose its good that she drives us to exhaustion every single second. Maybe we'll learn something, who knows. Ha. The people are great here. It's SO hot here, so we're always playing outsode - that is, when we're not studying. I've found a great church too.
I miss you all tons. Email me if you want e-hugs and updates on my life. I do love getting emails. ;)
Still here in Indiana. Clearly. Ucim srpski u Indianu Skolu. (I'm studying Serbian at IU.) It's crazy. Crazy hard too. The prof sucks, but I suppose its good that she drives us to exhaustion every single second. Maybe we'll learn something, who knows. Ha. The people are great here. It's SO hot here, so we're always playing outsode - that is, when we're not studying. I've found a great church too.
I miss you all tons. Email me if you want e-hugs and updates on my life. I do love getting emails. ;)
my life in a box
Yes I am actually leaving. Tomorrow morning at 9:30am, I will fly away from Prince George not to return for a long time. It's been a slice, but I have to move on. Where? Indiana for the summer and then Toronto for grad school in the fall. Phone numbers will change (I'll let you know) but email will stay the same.
I could have staying PG, I guess. I had a job offer with Northern Health - salaried rather than consulting. It would have worked, but.... As much as I have reservations about moving on, I know that I have to. It kind of feels a little lilke Abraham in Genesis. I'm moving on to a whole lot of uncertainty and unknowns. I have faith that it will work out though.
Anyway, I have a heck of a lot of packing and cleaning to do. Have a great summer and keep in touch - I will if you will. :)
I could have staying PG, I guess. I had a job offer with Northern Health - salaried rather than consulting. It would have worked, but.... As much as I have reservations about moving on, I know that I have to. It kind of feels a little lilke Abraham in Genesis. I'm moving on to a whole lot of uncertainty and unknowns. I have faith that it will work out though.
Anyway, I have a heck of a lot of packing and cleaning to do. Have a great summer and keep in touch - I will if you will. :)
it doesn't feel different
So now I have my BA.
Doesn't really feel so much different from when I did have it. I have one more piece of paper to clutter my life. Mind you, the paper is worth some $20000...plus living expenses I suppose. Hrm. If I ever have a business card I can now put letters after my name.
I like that. Ericka, BA.
Pictures to come.
Doesn't really feel so much different from when I did have it. I have one more piece of paper to clutter my life. Mind you, the paper is worth some $20000...plus living expenses I suppose. Hrm. If I ever have a business card I can now put letters after my name.
I like that. Ericka, BA.
Pictures to come.
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