
my life in a box

Yes I am actually leaving. Tomorrow morning at 9:30am, I will fly away from Prince George not to return for a long time. It's been a slice, but I have to move on. Where? Indiana for the summer and then Toronto for grad school in the fall. Phone numbers will change (I'll let you know) but email will stay the same.
I could have staying PG, I guess. I had a job offer with Northern Health - salaried rather than consulting. It would have worked, but.... As much as I have reservations about moving on, I know that I have to. It kind of feels a little lilke Abraham in Genesis. I'm moving on to a whole lot of uncertainty and unknowns. I have faith that it will work out though.
Anyway, I have a heck of a lot of packing and cleaning to do. Have a great summer and keep in touch - I will if you will. :)

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