One God. One God in whom all things are possible. All things but one.
"Abba! Take this cup...if there is any other way...but Your will be done." My Son, there is no other way.
It begins with a kiss. It begins with taunting and mocking, beating and striking, stripping and flogging. "Are you the King of the Jews?," perhaps with a sneer.
"I Am. And you will see me on the right hand of the mighty one and coming on the clouds of heaven."
Shouting. Yelling. Screaming. "Crucify him! Crucify him!"
An offer of release from Pilate. "CRUCIFY HIM!"
Taunted. Mocked. Beat. Struck. Stripped. Flogged. And at 3:00, crucified. Criminals at the right and left hands of the Son of Man, while soldiers at Your feet lay claim to your clothes. 6:00, darkess. 9:00 death.
And now we wait.
Abby's mailbox
Dear Abby;
On the subject of strange physical anomalies, what do you think it means if a person has a second toe (the 'pointer' of the toe world, if you will) that is longer than the first? Just yesterday I read on the internet that people with longer second toes are much more likely to become werewolves than us folks with more common toe-length distribution. Incidentally I happen to quite like this girl who posesses this attribute. Naturally I'd like to find out the truth before things with this girl get too serious (and more importantly, before the completion of this current lunar cycle). Hrm.
Wondering in Waterloo
Dear Wondering;
I understand your concerns about strange physical anomalies - particularly when they affect those we love, ahem like. There are really a number of intertwined issues here that must be addressed. Let’s see. I should begin by saying that all people are equal under the laws of Canada and the laws of God’s love, regardless of whether they have strange physical anomalies like multi-coloured eyes, or long toes, or split ends. I suggest first treating this girl as an equal and trying to forget about her toe. However, given the recent Wikipedia research showing that such persons are more likely to become werewolves I do suggest that you continue to monitor her behaviour as we approach the changing lunar cycle. Key signs to look for would be longish hair covering the body, pointy ears, and pig-like snout. Avoid contact during this dangerous time, but do call (perhaps use a pay phone so she is unaware of your whereabouts) and ask how she’s doing. Grunting, snarling and growling are noises to watch out for, but could also just be signs of PMS. I also caution you to not make assumptions here, as the research is unclear regarding the ability of females to transform into werewolves at all.
A subsequent issue is in regards to the relationship you and this girl already have. I have some concerns about the chastity issue, considering you have clearly already seen her feet. Remember, women should arrange to wear clothing that never tempts their male friends. I sure hope you haven’t seen this girl in her swimming outfit unless you’re prepared to marry her.
On the subject of strange physical anomalies, what do you think it means if a person has a second toe (the 'pointer' of the toe world, if you will) that is longer than the first? Just yesterday I read on the internet that people with longer second toes are much more likely to become werewolves than us folks with more common toe-length distribution. Incidentally I happen to quite like this girl who posesses this attribute. Naturally I'd like to find out the truth before things with this girl get too serious (and more importantly, before the completion of this current lunar cycle). Hrm.
Wondering in Waterloo
Dear Wondering;
I understand your concerns about strange physical anomalies - particularly when they affect those we love, ahem like. There are really a number of intertwined issues here that must be addressed. Let’s see. I should begin by saying that all people are equal under the laws of Canada and the laws of God’s love, regardless of whether they have strange physical anomalies like multi-coloured eyes, or long toes, or split ends. I suggest first treating this girl as an equal and trying to forget about her toe. However, given the recent Wikipedia research showing that such persons are more likely to become werewolves I do suggest that you continue to monitor her behaviour as we approach the changing lunar cycle. Key signs to look for would be longish hair covering the body, pointy ears, and pig-like snout. Avoid contact during this dangerous time, but do call (perhaps use a pay phone so she is unaware of your whereabouts) and ask how she’s doing. Grunting, snarling and growling are noises to watch out for, but could also just be signs of PMS. I also caution you to not make assumptions here, as the research is unclear regarding the ability of females to transform into werewolves at all.
A subsequent issue is in regards to the relationship you and this girl already have. I have some concerns about the chastity issue, considering you have clearly already seen her feet. Remember, women should arrange to wear clothing that never tempts their male friends. I sure hope you haven’t seen this girl in her swimming outfit unless you’re prepared to marry her.
eye questions
Q: If you have two different coloured eyes, what do they list your eye colour as on your passport and drivers license? For instance, Kate Bosworth. Two different coloured eyes. And clearly she travels a lot, given she's an actress and a model. So she must have a passport.
I suggested that perhaps they used whatever hand you were. So, if you had a right eye that was brown, and a left eye that was blue AND you were right handed, perhaps they would say you had brown eyes???? What do you think?
Also, I wonder what kind of impact this has on people who aren't as famous as Kate. So little multi-eye-colour Jane Doe crosses a border with a green-eyed passport but really has one blue eye too, what do they say? Do they let you pass????
I suggested that perhaps they used whatever hand you were. So, if you had a right eye that was brown, and a left eye that was blue AND you were right handed, perhaps they would say you had brown eyes???? What do you think?
Also, I wonder what kind of impact this has on people who aren't as famous as Kate. So little multi-eye-colour Jane Doe crosses a border with a green-eyed passport but really has one blue eye too, what do they say? Do they let you pass????
tribute to the back of the cereal box...
i hate laundry.
and apparently, i much prefer the handwash, God-dry method to walking the 50 meters to the laundromat. unfortunatly, i don't have a drying rack. so i'm all about the "find random hanging places and use them" method. so...if you come over right now we'll play a game: How many underwears can you find??
. . .
brought to you by Kellogs: how many horses can you find?
and apparently, i much prefer the handwash, God-dry method to walking the 50 meters to the laundromat. unfortunatly, i don't have a drying rack. so i'm all about the "find random hanging places and use them" method. so...if you come over right now we'll play a game: How many underwears can you find??
. . .

in need of a little Robin Hood
ahhh, the joys of neo-liberalism:
"One argument frequently made for public housing is based on an alleged neighbourhood effect: slum districts in particular, and other low quality housing to a lesser degree, are said to impose higher costs on the community in the form of fire and police protection. This literal neighbourhood effect may well exist. But insofar as it does, it alone argues, not for public housing, but for higher taces on the kind of housing that adds to social costs since this would tend to equalize private and social cost."
-Milton Freidman, in "Capitalism and Freedom", p 178
"One argument frequently made for public housing is based on an alleged neighbourhood effect: slum districts in particular, and other low quality housing to a lesser degree, are said to impose higher costs on the community in the form of fire and police protection. This literal neighbourhood effect may well exist. But insofar as it does, it alone argues, not for public housing, but for higher taces on the kind of housing that adds to social costs since this would tend to equalize private and social cost."
-Milton Freidman, in "Capitalism and Freedom", p 178
keep trying
FYI you probably aren't from BC if you think Osoyoos is "something like soya sauce."
Refer to this blog entry.
Refer to this blog entry.
wisdom in the mail
A mom-card arrived in the mail today. Scrawled on the outside over the seal were these words:
Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
-Rainer Maria Rilke (as translated by Stephen Mitchell)
Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.
-Rainer Maria Rilke (as translated by Stephen Mitchell)
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